Dr Kathrina Glitre

Position: Senior Lecturer Film Studies

School: Arts, College of Arts, Technology and Environment (CATE)

Qualifications: PhD Film Studies (Reading University)

About me

I have taught Film Studies at UWE since 2002, specialising in Hollywood cinema, film genres and cultures of production and consumption. I am particularly interested in transnational genre forms, such as comedy, action movies and horror, and in the relationships between economic, creative and aesthetic choices within generic film production. I also teach creative writing and screenwriting. I’m currently joint-programme manager for Film.

Area of expertise

Film genre is central to most of my research, including publishing a monograph on Hollywood Romantic Comedy  (2006). This book explored the genre’s representation of marriage, equality and desire in key cycles produced between 1934-65, combining close analysis of films with cultural history and feminist theory. I am currently working on a project on Cary Grant and acting, which aims to enhance understanding of the relationships between economic and creative factors within the Hollywood studio system. I also have a strong interest in questions of film style and aesthetics, including publishing essays on colour, widescreen spectacle, and CGI. I am a member of the Editorial board for Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism and the Advisory Board of Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media.
