Rod Dickinson

Position: Senior Lecturer Digital Media

School: Computer Science and Creative Technologies, College of Arts, Technology and Environment (CATE)

Qualifications: BA (Hons), MA (distinction)

About me

Rod leads the BA Hons Creative Media Design degree, running a range of modules including Pervasive Media and Convergent Media. His practice-based research projects have been exhibited and screened across the world over the last decade. Often in the form of video or software based installations.​​ He is a member of UWE’s Digital Cultures Research Centre​ and has been the recipient of a number of grants from the British Council (2014) and Arts Council (2004-2010). Rod has a BA in Fine Art, a Masters in Hypermedia Studies (Westminster) and PGCHE. He also has industry experience previously working for the BBC developing a range of interactive media projects, including one of the first ARGs for the TV series ‘Spooks’.

Area of expertise

Media arts, ​Contemporary Art practice,​ Digital media, Digital Culture, Creative computing (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python), Software skillset includes the Adobe suite,  Element 3D for After Effects, Apache Cordova and Adobe Phonegap

Full profile and publications

Further information about Rod’s practice based projects can be found at